Friday, January 28, 2011

"Burning" in LITSNACK and two new publications out in a few short days!

My flash fiction piece "Burning" is in the current edition of LITSNACK. Hope on over and feel free to leave a comment if you like it!

I will have two more publications showing up in a few days.

My poem "No Country" will appear in Heavy Hands Ink (available both online and in print).

My poem "Coffee and Tea" will appear in The Orange Room Review.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support me! For more updates, feel free to "like" me on Facebook by clicking here.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Two Updates and a Word on Choosing the Right Market

I've had two acceptances so far this month. My poem "Dreams" has been accepted by The Stray Branch with a publication date of Spring/Summer 2013, and my poem "Coffee and Tea" will be appearing at The Orange Room Review for the February issue.

These two acceptances are very representative of my market selection process, and I'd like to take a few moments to share my philosophy with you. Like I'm so fond of saying, you can't get published if you don't submit. If you send everything you've ever written out to every single publication out there, the odds are someone will take something. But, since that's so time consuming, it's much easier for a writer juggling family and friends and school and work and all the other things you do to target your pieces. I've found Duotrope to be the easiest way to do this... Writer's Market is also a very valuable tool.