This will probably be similar to an annotated bibliography. I'll post links and summarize what I find. I am not in any way claiming to be an authority and am only listing my personal research, so if I'm wrong, don't sue me. ;)
Low Residency Programs are programs that are mostly distance education with one to two week periods of living on campus (Wiki). Southern New Hampshire University, chosen at random and similar to other schools I've looked at, says their program " allows you to write at home and connect with fellow students and faculty mentors online and during short but inspiring residencies" featuring a "10-day campus and island residency in the summer or a five-day mountain resort winter residency".
The MFA Research Project tracks acceptances, rejections, applications, etc, and can provide you with stats including possible acceptance rates.
Where to Apply? Check out these rankings: the most underrated MFA programs and Poet's and Writer's Top 50 MFA programs.
Here is a helpful site by Kathryn Houghton listing a few programs and some tips.
Note, this is a work in progress. More will be added soon!